Blog – February 22, 2013
I almost got knocked off. It’s happened to me before, and it can be disconcerting, especially when the road you are on promises unknown twists and turns. I wonder if this is what the Apostle Paul felt like as he strode down his road right before the vision of the resurrected Christ knocked him off?
But Paul was certain. He was clear about the road he was on and the mission he intended to accomplish. Paul was all about persecuting the communities of people who had come to follow the teachings and way of Jesus. We call them Christians now, but then they were Followers of the Way. Paul didn’t much like them. He was a serious Jew; a zealot if you will. The idea that Jesus, a Jew himself who had been turned over to the Romans for crucifixion by Jews, could be the long awaited Messiah was preposterous, heretical, and blasphemous. Paul, or Saul as he was then named, knew his was the true message and he was walking with it on the only right road that existed. He knew he was right.
That is, until he got knocked off. Bam! A flash of light and that was all she wrote: off his feet, blinded and without any sense of direction.
When there is only one right way, getting knocked-off can be the worst thing to happen to you. When you are walking down a path, confident you know every crevice and pot-hole & have all the answers about its twists and turns, sure where the road leads, then getting knocked off of that certainty can be quite a blow.
That’s what happened to Saul turned Paul. He got knocked off because in all his blustering certainty, it turns out he was wrong. The direction he had been going was incorrect, the mission to enact mistaken, and the entire way in which he understood the world, false. Saul wasn’t right at all.
When there is only one right way, getting knocked-off can also solve all your problems. If there is only one way to get from point A to point B, where you went wrong is easy to pinpoint, allowing you to move from a wrong idea to the only right one! Praise be God! For Christians everywhere Paul is a hero, a divine example of coming to one’s religious senses because as we all know, there is only One Right Way.
Right? Wrong.
Paul is supposed to stand as a testament to the power of the truth, the right and absolute only way of Jesus the Christ, but I think this misses the real message and meaning of Getting Knocked Off! After the unexpected light blinded Saul’s vision, he was taken to what we might consider “re-education sessions” with a dude named Ananias. The end result being that Saul gets knocked from one absolute no-question-about-it-this-is the-right-road of belief to another. He literally got kicked from making the mistake of not thinking for himself to doing the same thing on another road. He went from the absolute of Judaism to the absolute of Jesus Christ.
Religious stories are powerfully seductive because of their over-simplicity. Give me simple! Show me directly! Point it out to me as clear as it can be and don’t leave any holes through which I may have to peer or question. Outline the boundaries, specify the do’s and don’ts and put up signs along the RIGHT Way I am supposed to follow.
Simple, uncomplicated, straightforward: that’s what we want.
What we want is not always what we get. Sometimes it’s not even what we need.
When I was a young woman struggling to find my way, I would beg God to show me where He wanted me to go. I remember walking alone on a path near my college campus, praying, talking, urging God to respond. Nothing. I finally stopped, looked up to the sky and screamed “Send a God-Damned letter then would you! Tie it to a rock and fling it at my head if you want, just show me the way!”
It never came. I was never hit in the head, struck by a white light nor did I receive a direct text from God telling me where He wanted me to go. I never had the good luck of Getting Divinely Knocked Off. Then again, maybe I came out ahead. Getting divinely knocked off one’s path is not the same as Getting Knocked Off by one’s own accord. Engaging our minds, asking questions that aren’t easily answered, being willing to listen to a different point-of-view are all elements that can result in a Good Knocking Off!
What if Saul-Paul’s Knocking Off story is really about the power of new ideas, risking being wrong and the willingness to go down a different path? What if Getting Knocked Off ones way is understood as life giving rather than frightening, blinding or disorienting? What if we live willing to Get Knocked Off and we do the exercise needed to sustain ourselves through it?
The Saul-Paul story has one big hang-up that doesn’t fit this scenario. Paul moved from absolutely right to absolutely right. He didn’t get Knocked Off to then go exploring. Instead he got knocked off by a divine bully who wanted to use Paul’s power for His own supernatural ends. Paul’s story isn’t about human minds engaged in the world of realities, listening to the needs of the other or wondering how to improve it. It’s about the One Right Magical Supernatural vs. the Other One.
Getting Knocked Off can be a great thing, which is why when it almost happened to me again today, I saw it as a gift, an opportunity & a chance to wonder if I am on the right track. Years ago when I first Got Knocked Off, I finally stopped begging my “One Right Supernatural Being” for direction & instead began to determine my own.
Getting Knocked-Off is a source of power that opens up the world & encourages you & me to depend on our Good Core and enjoy the messy complexity of life!
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