Happy Birthday to Me!
Today is my - Oh yes, uh-huh-got-that-right-48th Birthday! And it got me thinking. What really is the True day of my birth? Which day or moment in my life could that be exactly?
- Is it when I learned how to read and everything around me exploded into new dimensions, colors and yet unknown adventures?
- Was it when my body opened-up to totally new desires that sent tingles of electricity careening down my body, heating up my face and thighs?
- Is my birthday when I linked my destiny with that of another to whom I offered my body, heart, spirit and mind?
- Is the real day of my birth when I courageously chose to look at the stories I keep hanging in my Narrative Closet and asked “Do these still fit?”
Dear Sistah-Goddess – what about YOU? What is the real day of your
I think we have a misplaced loyalty to innocence. The language of purity gets laid like a blanket over and around us while not far away are the clothes of guilt, shame, sin, contamination and pollution.
We idealize the state of pure simplicity and use it as a tool to judge and assess. As if once we've left the perfection of infant innocence we are forever struggling to get it back. The sick joke is that in the design of this story, we never can.
Yuck. How very heavy and burdensome. Good thing it's a lie. Yup.
We howled when hungry, screeched when angry, cooed when content and giggled when tickled. We shit when it was time and spit up when necessary. All of it without apology because instinctively we knew we were worth receiving it. Delicious!
There were no questions of earned worth or measurements of goodness. The TRUE INNOCENCE was in our beautifully-unfettered nakedness; we were yet to be clothed with the stories of “how to be good” or “what it means to be a girl” or “this is the way you should look.”
Since then, your perfect naked self-love got dressed up, covered-over and burdened with stories that have told you what to believe and gave you measuring devices to determine how you – and others – are doing. Ick.
Time to get them OFF. Get Naked. Return to Your original birthday
suit and HOWL for Your desires!
On Thursday, March 20 @ Noon-1pm PST- and every Thursday until May 1- brilliant women will be up to doing just that!
Each week, for one gloriously spicy hour, Amy Ahlers, Tori Hartman, Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy, Sam Bennet, Shiloh Sophia McLoud and more will open the doors of their personal Narrative Closets so YOU can be empowered to open yours!
You do not want to miss this FREE Teleseminar Series that is already burning with the energy of fiery women who are not afraid to play with it!
Details for registration will be coming to you soon.
- Return to the beautiful insistence of Your first naked day!
- Re-member YOU are the dazzling colors woven into the brilliant playground of the universe that is JUST. FOR. YOU.
- Know again that for no other reason than YOU ARE – you deserve to be fed, loved, cuddled, laughed-with, dressed, kissed-on, held and rocked.
Happy Birthday to YOU gorgeous Goddess! See you on the 20th!
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