Sunday, March 9, 2014

Let's DO the Shimmy-Shrug!

I discovered something this week. I wonder if you have ever had this happen? Feel HIT between the eyes by a totally Ka-Zam discovery?!

I realized that an old story I have wanted to change out of my life - one I had long known needed to go but that held on with doggish zeal - (I'm talking slobber, growl and the whole enchilada drooling down and around my life) - was something I CREATED!

Yup. Turns out its my spiritual teeth that have refused to release and my growl that warned me “Don't take me off or give me up because you need me...come on now, what would you do without me?”

Urgh. Enough growling and drooling. Time to HOWL!

Here's the deal. Growing up, I had a messed up relationship with the green-back. My dad was an educated professional who worked constantly. As a pastor he was part of the “Service Professionals” that, after living and working as a pastor myself and oh ya, being married to one, I have officially renamed “The Servant-Professionals.”

But I digress. The long and short of it meant that I grew up with a shortage of dinero around the house and money, or lack thereof, was the source of arguments, anxiety and shame. Wrap all of that up in a divinely ordained package of “We are rich in Christ and that's why you wear hand-me-downs” and I had some pretty nasty money demons living in my closet.

From a variety of people, places and practices I learned the story that:
a) I was not intended to have money
b) Jesus wanted me to serve the poor
c) Wealth took me away from God
d) My duty was to live with less and...on and on.

In my closet of narratives, I would say this story was my “Money Ensemble”; a variety of separate pieces that all together created one big, hairy deal of a smack-down story that told me “I needed to not have money.”

And I learned the story well. Memorized it. Acted it out and MADE IT REAL.

Did you get that Gorgeous Goddess? one here...made it my reality.

I somehow believed, where those kind of way-deep-down-gotta-go-digging-for-them beliefs reside, that I needed to not have money.

True, the story was given to me from a variety of sources, and, as a kid it was not my responsibility or ability to stop it. But let's be honest – I am not a kid anymore (well, at least not in mind!) and the past is well, the past. The freedom question is: What do I want now and for my future?

Yes Please! New stories will do nicely!

What an AWESOME discovery! Freedom is at my door knocking – nea - HOWLING for me to OPEN it! And open it I will. Creak, pull and fling wide the door to my Narrative Closet, that subconscious space where I keep these sorts of  ideas and beliefs - and - where I can CLEAN UP!

And there-in lies the KEY!

When we SEE the story...
Recognize it in OUR narrative closet...

Swish-Boom-Bam! YOU have the POWER. 

And THAT is what HIT me over the head this week. I saw a new story in my narrative closet that I hadn't looked at before. Oh, I am no stranger to the wardrobe of money stories I hold. Over the last 5 years I have done a kick-ass job of clearing many of them out and redesigning others so they fit my gorgeous curves.

Yet this week I discovered an accessory to the overall ensemble that has been so subtle, so sly, I hadn't been able to suss it out from the whole. Here it is again: I need to not have money.

Doin' the naked shimmy-shrug! Time to release!

My new mantra: I release my need to not have money.

Put another way: I am grabbing hold of this old, damaging, too-small-for-me story and getting it out of my closet!

Knowing what it looks and feels like (yuck) is the key to getting and keeping it off! When that happens and I feel the old story creeping onto my shoulders it's time to DO THE SHIMMY-SHRUG!

Yup, Wild, Succulent Women it IS true! Moving your body, dancing to the earthy beat of your naked nature is what will Get the Old Stories OFF!

Lovely, Wild Woman - What story do you need to release this week? Which one hides from view while tenaciously biting into your spirit and soul?

Clear out that Clutter! 

And do it with a gorgeous gathering of Goddesses! Join me and seven simply sumptuous women each week  beginning Thursday, March 20th - Noon-1pm PST.

"The Narrative Closet" is a FREE Teleseminar where Tori Hartman, Amy Ahlers, Shiloh Sophia McLoud, Sam Bennett, Christine Kloser, Christine Arylo OH MY!!! AND Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy will open the doors of their personal Narrative Closet to share how they've cleared it out and which stories they struggle to keep off!

These are hot, spicy women! Don't miss it! Pass it on - grab-a-Goddess and listen! 

Together we will all DO THE SHIMMY-SHRUG! 

Friday, February 28, 2014

Come Out of Your Closet!

Happy Birthday to Me! 

Today is my - Oh yes, uh-huh-got-that-right-48th Birthday! And it got me thinking. What really is the True day of my birth? Which day or moment in my life could that be exactly? 
  •  Is it when I learned how to read and everything around me exploded into new dimensions, colors and yet unknown adventures?
  • Was it when my body opened-up to totally new desires that sent tingles of electricity careening down my body, heating up my face and thighs?
  • Is my birthday when I linked my destiny with that of another to whom I offered my body, heart, spirit and mind?
  • Is the real day of my birth when I courageously chose to look at the stories I keep hanging in my Narrative Closet and asked “Do these still fit?”

Dear Sistah-Goddess – what about YOU? What is the real day of your Birth? 

It's easy to celebrate and honor the day we physically left the safe cocoon of our mama's belly. Easy because we were yet uncomplicated and so very genuinely, gorgeously naked. In the truest sense of the word, we were innocent. 

I think we have a misplaced loyalty to innocence. The language of purity gets laid like a blanket over and around us while not far away are the clothes of guilt, shame, sin, contamination and pollution. 

We idealize the state of pure simplicity and use it as a tool to judge and assess. As if once we've left the perfection of infant innocence we are forever struggling to get it back. The sick joke is that in the design of this story, we never can. 

Yuck. How very heavy and burdensome. Good thing it's a lie. Yup. 

As tiny babies we were in fact completely tuned-in to meeting the demands of our self-worth that we naturally claimed, owned and let flow! Yowza!

We howled when hungry, screeched when angry, cooed when content and giggled when tickled. We shit when it was time and spit up when necessary. All of it without apology because instinctively we knew we were worth receiving it. Delicious!

There were no questions of earned worth or measurements of goodness. The TRUE INNOCENCE was in our beautifully-unfettered nakedness; we were yet to be clothed with the stories of “how to be good” or “what it means to be a girl” or “this is the way you should look.”

Since then, your perfect naked self-love got dressed up, covered-over and burdened with stories that have told you what to believe and gave you measuring devices to determine how you – and others – are doing. Ick.

Time to get them OFF. Get Naked. Return to Your original birthday suit and HOWL for Your desires! 

She-Goddesses! This is a CALL to Come Out of Your Narrative Closets and leave the perceived safety of the old stories behind. 

On Thursday, March 20 @ Noon-1pm PST- and every Thursday until May 1- brilliant women will be up to doing just that! 

Each week, for one gloriously spicy hour, Amy Ahlers, Tori Hartman, Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy, Sam Bennet, Shiloh Sophia McLoud and more will open the doors of their personal Narrative Closets so YOU can be empowered to open yours!

You do not want to miss this FREE Teleseminar Series that is already burning with the energy of fiery women who are not afraid to play with it!

 Details for registration will be coming to you soon
  • Return to the beautiful insistence of Your first naked day!
  • Re-member YOU are the dazzling colors woven into the brilliant playground of the universe that is JUST. FOR. YOU.
  • Know again that for no other reason than YOU ARE – you deserve to be fed, loved, cuddled, laughed-with, dressed, kissed-on, held and rocked.
I can't WAIT to be with you on these LIVE-Fun-FUNNY-playful and REAL calls with some of the most brilliant, kick-ass, brave, wisdom-rich women who WANT to give their good stuff to YOU!
Happy Birthday to YOU gorgeous Goddess! See you on the 20th!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Naked Freedom!

Today I invited someone from my previous life to sit across the table from me and share a meal.

In truth I asked him to share more than food; his ideas about God, sin, guilt and shame too, and not only with me, but my university class as well.

It's been almost ten years since I last saw my former professor, and while the pain and betrayal I experienced in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America was not associated with him, inviting his theology and teachings still rooted in that doctrine to be on my turf and in my presence, was liberating.


Autonomy of forgiveness is important to me; choosing from our inner wisdom what it means to forgive and when we are ready to release the anger, pain and hurt received from the actions of others.

Over the holidays I had numerous dreams filled with characters who had made choices that harmed me. For several nights in a row they appeared, not as the perpetrators of their negative choices, but as normal, even friendly people.

So I tuned-in to my body and asked: Am I ready to release? I heard a full body yes. RELEASE!

Since ritual is in my blood and bones I knew I wanted to ritually honor the release. But how?

Around that time I had been drawing a lot of gorgeous, full, lovely lips. Lips that had, in the middle of their pout, intricate designs of nature; swirls, eyes, feathers, stars, wisps of light. I loved these active, feminine speaking lips. I decided they would be a beautiful gesture of release.

I reproduced them and wrote underneath “Peace and Love in 2014” and signed my name. I meant it.

I put them in envelopes addressed to locations I hoped were still accurate, and released them to the U.S. Postal Service.

And I felt – SPACIOUS! I had sketched, created and sent those Lips in Love of me, letting go of any negative power any one previous act by another had over me. The result was more room for new adventure, risk and giggly, silly, buoyant joy. Oh ya! This affect was in no way dependent on the response or actions of another – it was all me. I had the power. I owned the responsibility.

Sitting in my classroom today with my former Professor and openly discussing our differences while claiming our common ground, was beautiful. Another act of clearing out and making room.

Over lunch I told him about my Spring Teleseminar series “The Narrative Closet" - of course he thought it ROCKED!- where I talk with incredible women visionaries about the closets we all have, filled with stories we have been told about who are, who we ought to be and how the world works. Stories of being wronged hang in their too.

We all have these closets of stories, the very recognition of which is the first step to getting naked and claiming our authentic power. Goose-bumps Galore!

“We have the Power!” and responsibility, to clear the clutter from our narrative closets and make space for new designs that fit who we are and who we want to become. Including those stories we keep hanging around about the old hurts, wounds and deep pains.

What about you? What old story about a hurt do you keep hanging around? Try this: take it out of your narrative closet and try it on. Listen to your body. Pay attention to your wisdom-gut response, the beat of your pulse, the heat in your cheeks. You will know when it's ready to slide from your shoulders. Maybe you are even ready to release it for good.

Either way, you can do a Spirit-Shimmy! A Big-Woop-to-me-Boogie! Because just seeing the closet of stories is the first step into your naked unstoppable power.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day 2014

In honor of the holiday I have never appreciated - even while in the ripe juicy blossoms of love – this Valentines Day Blog will be about…drum roll please….

“How it’s Good to Know You Don’t Want to Die”.

Not very many weeks ago, a member of the faculty at the university where I teach, died. Suddenly. Unexpected. This was not foreseen in any cards or medical reports.

I later learn that it all started with “one of those flu bugs” making the rounds among us. It turned into pneumonia, and, well, he died.

Not five days later, I am hit hard by “one of those flu bugs” and before I could fling the arm of my intellectual critical thinking up to block and deflect it, it happened. The tale of my impending death swirled and spun around me. And. I. Died.

And for one moment I was enveloped in the beautiful darkness of sweet clarity.
“Why did I ever think there was anything more necessary than hanging with my kids?”

“Why would I ever want more than loving with my wild succulent husband?”

“What could ever be so embarrassing…What failure could ever be so big, that I would rather remain quiet, small, unannounced and “safe” – instead of experiencing it?”

And then it was over. It felt like 30 seconds, but I suspect it was more like 10.

10 seconds of PURE Fiery Wisdom.

It is good to know you don’t want to die – and WHY. This 10 second spin into my early death has now lasted weeks. It has become a new tool in my story telling kit. Here’s how it works.

When I was feeling tentative and shy about putting myself out to ask my Shero's and Mentors to play with me on a FREE Teleseminar I am hosting (I am inviting the stars baby!) I reached into the envelope of dark, ready wisdom and brought out the story of my death.

“Would you rather die wrapped in the perceived safety of silence instead of risking the feelings from receiving an “F' No, I don't want to have anything to do with you”? Wouldn't you rather hear “F'No!” than hear nothing at all and die bunched up and small, afraid to have been rejected?”

Whizz. Bam. Boom! And I mean it! The body response I felt to that juxtaposition had kick-back! I landed on my proverbial spiritual back with the same sense of seamless clarity staring down at me.

Of course I didn't want to die not knowing, not risking and not being able to say “I put myself OUT there! I announced my DREAMS! I REACHED for the Moon and Howled!!”

Telling my story this way, there was no question. Immediately: what I had conjured in my mind as fear of rejection became Anticipation of Feeling the Pulse! What had felt like risky behavior to expose my heart and hopes, suddenly morphed into Courageous Tall Bad Ass Power! The actual response from the stars I invited took a back seat. It wasn't the driving force anymore. My reverberating blood flowing vision became FRONT and CENTER!

I am infused with this new story-telling tool. It is not a focus on death. It IS a fresh lens that cuts through all the crap of lies with laser-like precision that does not allow me to hide from my own habit of complicity. Yup. Complicity.

The old stories we wear, the ones we put on every day that say “are you sure you want to ask that? What happens if they say “yes” - can you handle it? Are you ready? Are you really able to do this? Better think twice. Wouldn't it be safer if you waited?” - they remain on us and in our Narrative Closets because we let them.

Ick. That's an uncomfortable truth. I don't like it. And – I LOVE it. It hurts so good. The sweet juice of naked liberation is inside and when you risk starting there – you begin the journey to clear out the clutter and zoom in to the clarity.

The Laser Beam Tool of “I don't want to die because...” holds your deepest loves and desires. It will open up the stuck doors of your Narrative Closet and beckon for you to enter with fierce permission to GO! and look inside.

Take this tool for a spin! Look through that Lens and SEE!

P.S. Keep your EYES PEELED for my delicious FREE Teleseminar “The Narrative Closet!” Guests from the Amazing Amy Ahlers to the Unabashed ColorFULL SARK  and MORE will be joining me!! It all starts Thursday, March 2

Friday, February 7, 2014

Unreasonably Passionate!

When I was little, I was LOUD, lovely and Bold! I laughed BIG, exclaimed fearlessly, cried out emphatically, and spoke with passion and energy. I was FULL of myself and I believed it was ALL beautiful!

That began to shift when the “shush-ing” started. The worst was at the dinner table.
Growing up, dinners were required. We ate at a table-clothed, milk-in-a-pitcher, cloth napkin-ed table with lit candles every night. There were almost no excuses to miss. Dad would be home for the meal and it was the one time each day we came together as a family and had Dad to ourselves. I am heartened that cell phones were yet to be inflicted on us. For almost an hour each night, our family attention was on, well, our family. No interruptions. It was pretty awesome.
Except when I got shushed. I hated it the most when my Dad, trying to get my volume to an “acceptable level” would, in response to my exuberant dialogue, speak slowly and almost inaudibly to me. It was humiliating. I remember feeling like I wanted to screech and scream at the top of my lungs but instead, as my face grew hot with shame, I shut up.
And I learned. My authentic voice was unacceptable and what I needed to do was alter it to “fit” into the parameters given to me.
This is one of the many stories I was told as a child about who I needed to be and what it meant to be a good girl. It didn't change as a young woman or adult, and I worked hard to be small, quiet, unseen and calm, none of which came naturally. The toned-down volume of my authentic self flowed through my veins and I became known as “intense”, interrupted by occasional bursts of laughter that could be heard across the quad. I tried to downsize myself and actually got so good at it, I very nearly agreed to live in the strict confines dictated by that story.
Very. Nearly.

But Hell No. Uh-Uh. Turns out, I LOVE my laugh. And, I discovered, we – you, me, each other, the WORLD – need more willingly intense, unreasonably passionate, wildly dancing to the beat of our own-and-different-drum individuals!!! We need to go for it!

When was the last time you connected with your deep-down-slightly-wild-organically irreverent voice? Have you laughed loudly, danced feverishly, or spoken with passion?

Do it this week. Promise yourself to YOU. The deep-down-inner-fire-before-you-learned-to- “be appropriate” YOU.

This week – make it your mission, your challenge, your playful task - to be gorgeously loud about something you feel deeply about! What is it in this world, in your world, that needs the ring of your particular voice? Is it an injustice that you see? A stand for your own value? An insistence for joy? An open receiving of LOVE and ABUNDANCE? An expression of anger?

Listen for Yourself. Re-member You. You will not be alone – and if you lean in – trust that you will hear my voice joining yours! Yup. I am THAT big!

Friday, January 31, 2014

No More Frozen Super-Powers!

The last day of the first month of 2014 is upon us, and it feels... Frozen!

Over these last hours, days and weeks, I have been dreaming, deciding and dedicating myself to the kind of year I want to have for me and my family. Mentors, guides and Goddesses have patiently, and with vigor, infused me with encouragement, tools and practices to integrate into my business, passions and daily life. All of it intended to get me to where I want to go and be the person I am meant to be!

Ah, the hard part. Where is that again, and who is she?

Smack in the middle of all of this beautifully gritty inner work, my cursed iphone beeps with a text. I have a love-despise-you-demand-too-much relationship with my technology, and text messages are a big part of it. “Mom!” my tech-savvy-loving kids chirp, “You got a text!”

“Okay,” I mumble under my breath, hoping they'll move on and leave me in peace. Under my nose she holds it; that annoying phone attached to the most lovely 11 year old arm that leads to the sweetest and mischievous smile that I adore. “Don't want you to miss it” she says spunk-ily.

I look down at the text and – am – surprised. Happily and pleasantly elated. A text from a former student who was one of those unique ones with whom you build a lasting friendship. His mother had died unexpectedly the year before he was in my university class, and we connected deeply. Since his graduation we have kept in touch; he knows my kids and husband and whenever we are near, we grab a beer together.

Text: “Please tell me you've seen Frozen!”

“Really?” I think, “that's what he wants to know?” Not a huge fan of the Disney “princesses-please-handsome-prince-save-me-movies” I groaned. I had already said there was no way I was going to see what looked like a plot-less, insipid animated film about a goofy snow man. Uh-uh. Nope.

Text back: “Why?” That's all I wrote.

Tick-tock. Beep. I grab the phone.

Text: “Because I thought of you through the ENTIRE movie. You HAVE to see it. I won't tell you why, but trust me and let's talk after. This movie IS YOU!”

Hmmm. A silly, princess Disney movie is me? Harumph. I did trust my former student. He knew me well. There had to be more to it. My kids did want to see it. Alright, it was set. We were going.

I laughed, I cried. Seriously, I did. After the film, I sent a text to my former student.

Text: “Just saw Frozen. You were so right! I am Elsa!”

Tick – not-even-time-for-a-tock. Beep.

Text: “You are SO Elsa!!!”

A few weeks later I am relating this story to my not-blonde hair-stylist (she wanted to be sure I made that clear) who I have know for over a decade. She has witnessed the evolution of my life, belief system and of course, my hair. She knows me. At the “I am Elsa and You are so Elsa” part of the narrative– she laughs quizzically. When I see her a few days later, she jumps in immediately.

“Alright, this has been bothering me ALL weekend. Why on earth would your former student think you were Elsa? I totally do not get it. Please, tell me what he meant! Why are YOU – the energized, social, funny, stage-loving AmyJo - like Elsa?”

Here's why.

Elsa is the symbol of the “good-girl” who is told (and agrees) to suppress, hold back and reduce her great, amazing, incredible and magical super-essence-powers for the comfort of everyone around her. She does it to maintain the system in which she was told was the "right way" to live. If she allowed herself to feel her powers, she was told, and let them freely expand and be used, there would be fear and danger. For the sake of keeping everything in line within the expecatations of the old story, Elsa, as do "good-girls" everywhere, complied. Until she couldn't hold it in any longer. And that's when things get juicy!

Frozen is about anything but! It is a narrative of defrosting and exposing the truth. It is about the prescribed “good-girl” finding her freedom in the love of a good man. Oh wait, sorry. Years of Disney and religious programming. No, no, no. That is NOT how this story ends!

Elsa is released into the FULLness and universe-tingling connection with HER super-powers because of her sisters LOVE! Oh ya! Uh-huh. That's right! Sister LOVE and Sister POWER!

Message: Women - We are sisters one-and-all! We are ALL Anna and we are ALL Elsa! As we openly LOVE each other, AFFIRM and CELEBRATE each others' powers – we are personally released to live in them FULLY! And when we do, we melt away the fear of failure, the anxiety of being good enough and the idea that we need to measure up to the perceived perfection of another. We are FREE to write our own story, claim our super-essence-powers and LOVE the world, our kids, spouses, friends and most poignantly, ourselves.

No more Frozen Dreams or Dormant Powers! Turn up the HEAT of your inner super-essence-powers that are already part of you and experience the soaring melody of the bad ass POWER you already possess AND melt away anything that keeps your from connecting with your inner fiery licks of power!

To quote Elsa, “Let it Go!”

Text: “You are SO Elsa!!”

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Transformational Author Inspiration!

Amazing time on retreat in the San Francisco Bay Area, then in Baltimore, Maryland! Now I am just integrating all the amazing learnings and experiences.