Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Red Lipstick, Goddess & Kick-Ass Shoes!

Back to red lipstick, Goddess, jewelry and kick-ass shoes. Yes indeed, I have been given a gift of re-membering myself, of returning to that portion of my spirit, physicality and intellect that had begun to sink deep into my own feminine divine nature, but which I turned away from and tried to forget.

In 2008 I had let it go. Literally, I packed it all up, flipped closed the lids fastened to the sides of the clear plastic boxes and locked it away. To the deepest recess of my garage they went, and that’s saying something. They disappeared forever to be buried beneath my broken heart, bitter anger and exhaustion.

In my book Religion Made Me Fat, I tell a portion of this story. It is the one that begins with Jesus as the divine Christ and my exploration of his interaction and role with women.

As a female pastor I was having a hard time – bah! I was dying inside - because of the way in which the church treated women. It wasn’t just the hierarchy of male superiority, or the use of the male language in sacred ritual, or the out-and-out rejection of even considering the occasional use of She or Her instead of He and Him. It wasn’t only the fact that more times than I can count on one hand, couples who I had been preparing to marry backed out when their parents discovered I was a woman, or the statements that were made about my pregnant-pastor-self sullying the holy altar while I was with child.

It wasn’t even that after years of working my ass off and doing, being and creating profoundly positive change, increasing membership, tripling volunteers as well as financial giving, the old pillars of the church colluded against me so that I would not be voted in as Lead Pastor. I needed, they told me, “A good strong male Pastor to ‘help’ me along the way.” All of that was bad, hurtful, soul-deadening and wickedly harmful to my female strength of self. It percolated within my breasts that stubbornly insisted on outing me as a woman while the church defiantly wanted to pretend I was really a man. I was angry, hurt and starving from lack of good affirmation of my gender. So I began a deeper search within the stories of the one person I most loved, most deeply, honestly admired: Jesus.

How had he related to women? Was it biblical fact that Jesus insisted women were less than men, that only men could follow him and be leaders along side of him? Did Jesus agree with the misogynistic world view that men were closely associated with the realm of heaven, divinity and intellect and women with the dirty, shame-filled earth? I went looking.

And what did I find but the Goddess! Awakened was I to truths that I had never before known. Embarrassed that after living, working, breathing and experiencing on this earth for 30 plus years I had not known about the long history of the Goddess tradition, Goddess centered villages and matriarchal communities. How did I not know about this? Why is it that all I had been told was that God was man, Jesus was man, Peter was man, Mary the mother of Jesus was a virgin (how did that happen!?) and Mary Magdalene was a whore? How?!

I screamed inside and often out loud. I wept, sobbed and pounded my fists on sofas, pillows and the strong chest of my confused but loving husband. I was mad. Pissed. On fire with rage at the church that I had known my whole life and had trusted to tell me the truth but that had ultimately betrayed me. The divine isn’t just male. It hasn’t always been that way. The Bible couldn’t be the only document of human history because communities existed LONG before it came to be.  I fumed.

Religion Made Me Fat is the story of how I finally let go of the weight of all those lies: that my body was dangerous, my sexual desires dirty, my non-Christian friends damned and all the other untruths I had learned over four decades of being in the church. It is not the whole story though, of why I let go of Goddess. That story, as much as it mimics the leave-taking of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as an ordained pastor, is different.

After leaving the church, along with 50+ family units, I founded and led an experimental community of people trying to “do religion” differently, without the bad habits of the large, organized, religious entities. We wanted to do away with righteous exclusion, male hierarchy, judgment of sin and instead release into the power of Jesus’ justice and message of equality, especially toward women. We wanted to be rid of the bad habit of gossip, cliques and whispers behind the backs of others.

It was a wonderful three-year-and-some-months journey where much good was birthed. Along the way we learned a tremendous amount about what it meant to be free and outside of the doctrine and dogma, the pension plans and church conferences so that we were able to ask real questions. We eventually changed our name from Way of Christ Community to Way of Compassion because we understood we no longer believed in a divine Jesus, but rather chose to focus on the human story of a radical guy with a big heart and courageous choices. Goddess became as welcome as God and pagan ritual, Native American spirituality, Buddhism and other thought leaders taught us about the world and our own good selves. I was in love with Goddess, the dark womb within me that had the power to create life – not just my children – but the womb of the Great Woman that is fertile with possibilities.

The community bubbled with energy and dynamism. And then I began to feel it. It was just as John Irving wrote in The World According to Garp. The UnderToad was subtly and quietly pulling me down and under. I didn’t know where it was or what form it took, but months before it happened I had felt it. What I did not know and the force that hit me so damn-fucking hard that I buried the Goddess away forever, was when the UnderToad revealed itself to be the woman who had been my closest, best friend for 8 years.

It’s an old story. Two women become close. One leads the other to find her inner power, voice and strength. The other begins to change, grow into her own power and not accept everything as it had been told her. That woman’s husband gets nervous, anxious and eventually angry. Stories are made up. Private conversations between the two friends get perverted and the jealous, scared man lashes out, threatens the woman who leads other women (and men) to find their great inner power. He tells his wife, my friend, that she must choose between me and him. He is manipulative. He is cunning. He spent months priming other weak members of the community to collude with him that I was dangerous, narcissistic and a cult leader bent on emasculating men and reducing my father.

I was crushed. Broken. Defeated. I felt betrayed by Goddess, by women and our weakness to go along with men and believe they are the originator of our worth and blessing. I curled up in a ball, shoved the Goddess and all my spiritual expansion into those boxes and walked away.

Since publishing Religion Made Me Fat last July, I have slowly been returning to Goddess, meditation and the good, amazing, strong power within me. Last weekend at a Great Work Retreat with Amy Ahlers, Christine Arylo and Shiloh Sophia McLoud, I fully climbed back into the lap of Goddess. It is a relief and a love affair I shall never again doubt, neglect or give up on. I now know that to love Goddess is to love me; it is I who am divine, I who house the good capacity to produce love and me whose crazy brilliant mind will think, create and be an artist for women’s power and good.

I am back to all that I LOVE about women: red lipstick, expressive jewelry, sexy curves, strong thighs and wills, creative, artistic risk taking, great shoes and beautiful, gorgeous me. 2013 is the Year of the Sexy Goddess Warrior Doing It! The “It” is my Great Work: guiding women on the courageous journey to unlocking their natural inner good-core that has been suppressed and depleted by the systems of patriarchy. The how will be in gathering women together in a variety of ways and opportunities. Stay tuned! I will be coming near you – especially if you wish to be part of losing the weight of patriarchy and living in your beautiful, big, inner good core. Contact me below if you want me to come to your area and we will make it happen!

For now, enjoy your favorite color lipstick, play with your womanly dress-up, sweat and make your curvy body strong and healthy! Love your Goddess in You!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is such a powerful reminder of how wholly and deeply women have ingested and enabled patriarchy. In spite of all the tragedy and destruction it's caused us on so many levels, women have been patriarchy's most reliable, venom-filled warriors. Thank you so much, AJ, for having the courage to share your experiences. Your transparency is inspiring, and will help all of us to heal and find a new way forward, which I really feel is the answer to so many of the woes that plague our world today. (And P.S. I just ordered your book, and am SO excited to read it!)
